Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Fishmas Carol

 Hi everyone. You have already read three amazing books by Bethany. As a Christmas present for you all, I will share a story I, Mika, wrote last year. 

A Fishmas Carol

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a family consisting of five humans, two feeder fish, one hamster, and other beloved characters. The youngest human, Bethany, decided her two fish needed a new brother or sister. She returned to Country Max, where she had adopted Goldie and Melinda. At the store, she saw a wrinkly old feeder fish.

“He needs a home,” said the girl.

“That’s our oldest fish. Nobody has adopted him yet because he looks so grumpy. We call him Scrooge,” said the worker.

“I’ll take him!” said the girl.

When Scrooge arrived at the Smith house, Goldie and Melinda were in for a shock.

“Hello new friend,” said Goldie.

“And merry Christmas,” said Melinda.

“Bah humbug,” scowled Scrooge. “How can it be a merry Christmas when we don’t have any treats?”

“Here you go, fishy friends,” said Bethany.

“Yipee, treats for us!” screamed Goldie and Melinda. But before they could take a bite, Scrooge ate all the food!

“Here you are, Goldie and Melinda,” said Bethany as she pointed the feeder stick at them.

“Christmas Eve dinner is ready,” said Mrs. Smith the matriarch of the family. “I’ll have to stay late after the service tonight. We’re distributing food at the last minute, if anyone would like to help out.”

“Bah humbug!” said Scrooge again. “The only person who should get food is me!”

“That sounds lovely,” said Mika, the oldest child. “Giving is what Christmas is all about.”

“Humph,” said Scrooge, settling down to take a snooze.

Chapter 2

“Wake up, wake up, wake up!” said Bubbles the Ghost.

“Eek, who are you?” screamed Scrooge.

 “I am Bubbles, the Ghost of Fishmas Past. I’m here to help you regain your Christmas spirit and become a better fish. Let me bring you back in time!”

The fish jumped into a portal in their tank. They swirled around in a tunnel for a few minutes, until they reached a large tank with hundreds of feeder fish. The fish were all gathered around a pile of fish flakes. They were holding fins and singing a strange song.

“Oh, Christmas treat, oh Christmas treat, how lovely are thy branches!” the fish sang. Loudest of all was a tiny fish with faint laugh lines. Why, it was Fisheneezer Scrooge as a child!

“Stop that right now,” yelled a human in a vest. “It isn’t even Christmas time! It’s July!” The employee said.

 When the fish heard this, they began to cry. “We just wanted to be festive,” said Santa Cod.

 “I’m never celebrating Christmas again!” said young Scrooge.

 “Why are you showing me this?” said the old Scrooge. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

 “That man made your heart cold,” said Ghost Bubbles. “But you can warm your heart again. After all, we have a heater.”

  “Am I becoming that worker? Should I try to get back my Christmas spirit?” wondered Scrooge.

Chapter 3

“That was a crazy dream,” said Scrooge.

“It wasn’t a dream. It was a warning. I am Goldie, the Ghost of Fishmas Present. Today, I will show you a scene from right now, here in our tank.”

The fish hopped through the portal, which spewed them back into their tank. Scrooge was sleeping in the corner, holding on to extra food. Goldie and Melinda were swimming in circles.

“I’m a little disappointed that Scrooge doesn’t like us,” said Melinda.

“Don’t take it personally,” said Goldie. “Maybe he’s shy and just needs some time to get used to his new surroundings. We’ll be best friends before you know it.”

“I hope so! I’m not sure what to get him. Maybe I can scavenge the pebbles for some treats. I know he loves food.”

“That’s a great idea. I was thinking of singing him a song about how nice it is to meet him. Maybe we can make a Nativity scene for the Smiths.”

“Whatever we give, it’s all about the love that’s in our hearts.”

“You really like me?” asked Scrooge. “I was so mean and grumpy when I first met you!”

“Of course we do,” said Goldie the Ghost. “Everybody makes mistakes. We really want to start again.”

Chapter 4

“But I don't know if I can change my ways!” said Scrooge. “I’ve been grumpy for so long, I forgot how to have friends!”

“But you must!” said Ghost Melinda as Ghost Goldie disappeared. “It is I, Ghost of Fishmas Future. This is what will happen if you don’t make a change.”

“Alright, let me see,” said Scrooge as they jumped into the portal.

All of the Smiths were gathered in the living room. Mrs. Smith, Mika, and Brianna (the middle child) were sipping their tea. Bethany excitedly tore through the wrapping paper.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she sang, jumping up and down.

Mr. Smith, the father, organized the paper and bows. Buttons, the hamster, drew a heart in his shavings and squeaked.

“That’s so sweet of you,” said Brianna.

Goldie and Melinda swam around and reenacted the Christmas story. Goldie played the wise men, since she was old and wise. Melinda played Jesus, since she was the youngest.

“What an adorable play,” said Bethany. “It’s a shame that Scrooge couldn’t join you.”

Dream Scrooge sat in the corner and scowled. Everyone was having fun except him. “Once again, I’m lonely on Christmas.”

“Why don’t I just join in on the holiday fun?” asked the real Scrooge.

“You were too proud to admit you were wrong,” said Ghost Melinda. “But it isn’t too late.”

They jumped back in the portal, to their regular tank. Home at last.

Chapter 5

“It’s Christmas!” exclaimed Scrooge when he woke up. “Wake up everybody! It’s Christmas!” Scrooge couldn’t contain his joy. He decided to sing his favorite song from his childhood. “Oh Christmas treat, oh Christmas treat, how lovely are thy branches!” He piled all of the pebbles into a little tree.

“What’s all the racket?” asked Goldie. “What are you up to?”

“Why, I’m just having a holly, jolly Christmas, dear sister! I must apologize, I haven’t had time to make you gifts.”

“That’s ok,” said Melinda. “Christmas isn’t about presents. It’s about joy, and love, and family.”

“That’s what I’m going to prioritize, from now on,” said Scrooge. “But there is something I have to give you. I hid some of my food in the corner last night. I’m sorry. Let’s all share it!”

“Merry Christmas,” the fish chanted as the Smiths came to the kitchen.

“Yippee, we love food,” said the fish as they enjoyed their feast. After all the food was safe in their bellies, they had a group hug. 

The End!

Thanks for reading my Christmas story. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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